Handling layers

The global object josm.layers represents the current layers in josm. The methods and properties of this object are defined in the module layers.

The following scripts prints the names of the currently opened layers:

var util = require("josm/util");
var l = josm.layers.length;
for (var i=0; i<l; i++) {
   util.println("Layer {0}: name is ''{1}''", i, josm.layers.get(i));

Working with data layers

Data layers are instances of the JOSM native class OsmDataLayer. The Javascript mixin OsmDataLayerMixin provides additional methods and properties for instances of a data layer.

You can open a file with OSM data in a new data layer with the method josm.open():

// Opens a new data layer for this file

Alternatively, you can create a data layer for a dataset, in particual for a dataset which has been downloaded from the central OSM server.

var api = require("josm/api").Api;
var dataset = api.downloadArea({
      min: {lat: 46.9479186, lon: 7.4619484}, 
      max: {lat: 46.9497642, lon: 7.4660683}  
josm.layers.addDataLayer({ds: dataset, name: "Obstberg"});